Security Firm

What To Expect

Our approach to safety, security, and protection

Build My Safety Plan

The Premier Security Solutions Provider

Strategos International comprises a team of over 500 contracted security specialists who provide reality-based training, consulting, and protection services across the globe. Founded in 2002 with principles strongly guided by the Christian faith, our security firm believes that every person, regardless of their background, occupation, or belief system, has the right to live a life free of fear. That approach has afforded us the opportunity to provide safety and security to over 300,000 individuals.

Who We Are

Strategos International engages over 500 protection professionals all over the U.S. and other parts of the globe for client projects that have immediate and exigent needs. With offices in Missouri, Texas and Florida we are positioned strategically for immediate response for your training, consulting and protection needs. We recruit, lead and train high quality protection professionals that provide a concierge level of service for our clients to provide facility, executive or personal protection solutions in a professional and discreet manner. Since 2002 Strategos has trained, consulted and protected over 250,000 corporate, government, school, faith-based, law enforcement and military professionals in over 15 countries globally.

Call Us

The first step to working with Strategos International is to reach out and schedule a call with our professional team of protection consultants. By taking the time to get to know your organization, its leadership, and the specific challenges, we can gain a clear understanding of the company’s mission, core values, and culture. Primarily, our security firm specializes in providing services for corporate and healthcare organizations, law enforcement agencies, schools, and churches.


From there, we can start designing specific strategies on how to best deliver our safety, security, and protection services. This is where both parties can collaborate to create training, consulting, and protection strategies customized to the unique needs of your organization and its people. We can also scale our courses and services to serve as many or as few people as your organization sees fit.


When it comes time to deliver your services, we will meet you either at your facility for in-person training/consulting services or provide them online. The primary goal of all services through Strategos International is to eliminate the understandable fear that one experiences when presented with an active threat or crisis situation.


Throughout your training, our instructors or consultants will offer themselves as a resource for any questions you may have. Our mission is to provide individuals with the knowledge needed to react calmly and rationally in times of crisis. Once people feel comfortable with that knowledge, we then empower them to take decisive actions that could save lives during an active threat situation.

Our Values

Why Work With Strategos?


Strategos International has provided a wide range of protection services across the United States and internationally for over 2 decades, with many of our personnel possessing decades of law enforcement and military experience.


Our security firm contracts over 500 highly trained protection professionals. This means we are uniquely positioned to offer the appropriate number of staff at client locations based on need.


Integrity is at the core of what we do, and our services will never compromise our own values or the values of those we serve.

Protection Starts Here

Through education and empowerment, our security firm can help reduce fear within your organization and provide solutions to potential crisis-related problems. Get started with Strategos International today.

Schedule a Call


Our Consumers Share Their Stories

“Enjoyed the mixture of classroom to range time. Appreciated the “no pressure” environment as well. Loved the building block approach. It reinforced the different tasks we were taught. We were never just standing around. Safety was never something I worried about. The level of preparation for each practical exercise ensures we were always safe. It was nice to have all very experienced instructors.”

Brian Fields

Kearney First Baptist Church, Missouri

“This course provided me with the most realist training exercises I have ever been through in 17 years of law enforcement. The course showed me my limitations & weaknesses and also provided me the insight and training tools to learn from my mistakes and improve.”

Sgt. Drew Caffarelli

University of South Florida Police Department

“I have attended several active shooter training courses. I believe it is critical for agencies to be prepaired for these incidents. These instructors are by far the most efficient I have ever been exposed to. Their knowledge of the material and tactics are obviously truly coming from a passion to train & belief that this will help.”

Sgt. Eric D. Kraus

Edinboro University Police

“Excellent practicals on "Force on Force" training. This is the best training I've attended since being in law enforcement. The presentation of the material was outstanding. All instructors knew the equipment and the material and applied it effectively.”

Edward Ayoub

Fairfax, VA Police Department

Statement of Faith

We would like to begin by expressing unequivocally that we uphold the principle that EVERY individual, regardless of their faith, secular beliefs, agnosticism, or any other philosophical standpoints, deserves to feel and be safe. It is this core belief that drives our commitment to serve and provide ALL organizations with training, consultation and protection solutions, irrespective of their religious, political, or ideological orientations. Below is our “Statement of Faith,” which articulates our personal beliefs. We would like to emphasize that this is a reflection of our core values , experiences and convictions and is shared with the utmost respect for those that believe otherwise. We fully recognize and respect each individual’s right to practice their faith or uphold their beliefs. Our intention in sharing our beliefs is to maintain transparency and mutual understanding with all whom we serve and collaborate with. We serve our clients based on our core values of INTEGRITY, SYNERGY, EXCELLENCE and HUMILITY and extend our services with open hearts and minds, endeavoring to foster collaborative environments that are respectful of others perspectives and personal belief systems.

  • We believe all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

– (2 Timothy 3:16)

  • We believe eternal life is the gift of God found by placing personal faith in Jesus Christ, his son. No one can earn their way to heaven.

~ (Romans 10:9-10,13; Ephesians 2:8-9)

  • We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

~ (1 Corinthians 8:6, Ephesians 4:4-6)

  • We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
  • We believe we have all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23) and For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).

Start your protection training now

Fear on any crisis-related topic comes from “having a problem without a solution.” Let us reduce fear within your organization by providing the solutions to these potential crisis-related problems.

Build My Safety Plan

Training benefits
  • Reduce anxiety & fear
  • Increase response capability
  • Decrease liability exposure