Barry Young Featured in Church Executive’s Security Issue

The Strategos VP says churches are behind in confronting security threats.

Barry Young, Strategos’ vice president of operations, was interviewed in a special issue of Church Executive Magazine focusing on church security and surveillance.

Here’s an excerpt:

“The majority of churches are not prepared for a security emergency. There are several indicators of this. First, almost 100 percent of public schools have trained their staff in lockdown training — meaning they know what to do to stop a threat and how to protect students — while almost no churches have trained nursery, Sunday School and children’s ministry leaders how to respond if a threat were to come into their ministry room.”

Read the full issue here.

Barry Young has dedicated his life to helping churches improve security. He has been the director of security at two churches in the Kansas City area and is a chaplain for the Independence, Mo., Police Department. He’s also a black belt in Sho-Lum-Tae Karate. Barry’s goal is for every church in the United States to have a comprehensive security plan and team that goes from the parking lot to the pulpit.