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Protection Starts Here
An active shooter situation is something few of us have prepared for… and it’s that lack of preparation that raises anxiety…and fear. Training increases our ability to take appropriate action. It gives us a greater sense of preparedness, which will help with anxiety and stress levels – especially during a shooter situation.
PREVAIL!™ is designed to help all employees (as well as public servants, private citizens and others) respond in violent situations involving a shooter threat.
The result of a partnership between Sollah Interactive and Strategos International, the goals and objectives of PREVAIL! provide workplace leadership, management, security and front line personnel with information and strategies on recognizing and responding to the dynamic challenges and issues of violent incidents within the workplace. PREVAIL! provides a proactive “3 OUT” intruder response model (GET OUT | LOCK OUT | TAKE OUT) that focuses on the life-saving principles and tactics one can use when faced with an active shooter event – providing greater knowledge and situational understanding. Informed, confident and trained people dramatically increase their chances of prevailing if they are ever to be in such a situation.
Here’s a breakdown:
PREVAIL! was designed in easy-to-use modules. Organizations using PREVAIL! have several implementation paths – including 1, 2 and 3 hour training options.
Typically, each training session starts with PREVAIL!™. This dramatic video sets the stage for the session by engaging participants quickly – emotionally – by watching an active shooter event unfold in their workplace.
Next, Preparing to PREVAIL!™ level sets the session by discussing key points in an active shooter event. PREVAIL!: The OUT Actions™ goes into detail about the 3-OUT Intruder Response Approach.
The session then discusses the psychology of the shooter in PREVAIL!: Understanding the Adversary™. There is also a manager program (Leading to PREVAIL!™) available to inform and encourage managers to discuss potential scenarios and options within their teams – as well as a powerful meeting opener (Prevailing Is…™) to kick off each session.
PREVAIL! can help your organization comply with OSHA’s General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) – requiring employers to provide their employees with a place of employment that “is free from recognizable hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious harm to employees.” PREVAIL! will raise your personal awareness when it comes to potential workplace violence threats and/or an active shooter event. A trained response will save lives…yours and those around you!
The PREVAIL! package is available in several formats: DVD, USB, streaming video and interactive eLearning.
PREVAIL! has been used by organizations as small as a few dozen people to FORTUNE 500 companies with thousands of employees. One of the strengths of PREVAIL! is that the techniques taught anyone can do regardless of age.
This program is design for ALL managers, supervisors, and employees within your organization. An active shooter event can happen anywhere. The methods taught are applicable to organization of any type or size.
Strategos offers a compelling, high-quality production virtual intruder response E-learning program that is both engaging and interactive!
This Hollywood-Style training film immerses your team in the reality of what is unfolding on the screen while educating them on what to do and what not to do in an active shooter event.
An active shooter or armed intruder situation is something few of us have prepared for. It is that lack of preparation that raises anxiety—and fear.
Training INCREASES our ability to take appropriate action. It gives us a greater sense of preparedness, which will help with anxiety and stress during an actual event.
Through education and empowerment, Strategos International can help reduce fear within your organization and provide solutions to potential crisis-related problems. Get started today.
Fear on any crisis-related topic comes from “having a problem without a solution.” Let us reduce fear within your organization by providing the solutions to these potential crisis-related problems.