High-Risk Termination Security

Protection & Security Services for High-Risk Terminations

Practices for assessing, planning, and conducting upcoming terminations

Build My Safety Plan

What We Do

Strategos International offers a number of different solutions for leaders and supervisors undergoing high-risk termination training. Capable of adapting our services to a broad range of different industries and organizations, participants can expect to receive training in all of the following:

  • Leadership Training
  • Risk Determinations
  • Risk Mitigation Planning
  • Termination Policy Development
  • Leading Practices
  • Workplace Violence Prevention
  • High-Risk Termination Security

Leading Practices For High-Risk Terminations

Terminations are never easy—both for the employee being let go and for the supervisor performing the termination. It’s a stressful situation as is, but adding to those existing stressors is the unknown factor of how the employee will react to the situation. Strategos International helps organizations eliminate fear through proven high-risk termination security services. Through real-world training solutions, individuals gain the knowledge and confidence to mitigate risk during employee terminations.

Service Highlights


  • Objective risk level determinations and mitigation planning
  • High-risk termination policy development
  • Workplace violence prevention security recommendations
  • Executive security and protection services

Our Values

Why Work With Strategos?


Strategos International has provided a wide range of protection services across the United States and internationally for over 2 decades, with many of our personnel possessing decades of law enforcement and military experience.


Our organization contracts over 500 highly trained protection professionals. This means can provide an appropriate number of staff at client locations based on need.


Integrity is at the core of what we do, and our services will never compromise our own values or the values of those we serve.

How It Works

Through Strategos International’s high-risk termination consulting services, organizational leaders and supervisors will gain the ability to objectively determine whether or not an upcoming termination qualifies as “high risk.” At the same time, each person will gain a comprehensive understanding of best practices for assessing, planning, and conducting a high-risk termination.

Protection Starts Here

Through education and empowerment, Strategos International can help reduce fear within your organization and provide solutions to potential crisis-related problems. Get started today.

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High-Risk Termination Security

When dealing with high-risk terminations, considerations have to be made for the safety of everyone involved. Separating one or more employees from the organization can be very stressful and emotional, not only for the people leaving but also for those remaining. Plant closings with layoffs or a reduction in force will affect the entire community in which the facility resides. Additionally, stressors that come from a person’s home life can also directly impact the workplace.

What We Do

Strategos provides high-risk termination consultation and security services that allow the organization to do the following:

  • Objectively analyze if the risk with the employee or group of employees is low, medium or high-risk
  • Develop a risk mitigation and implementation plan based on the individual(s) risk profile
  • Recognize, management and de-escalate points of potential conflict prior or as they are occurring


Ways We Can Serve You

  • Reduction in Force (RIFs)
  • Behavior Risk Assessments
  • Layoffs
  • Employee Terminations & Separations
  • Plant Closings
  • Union Negotiations & Strike Mitigation

The Importance of Education

High-risk terminations require due diligence and a detailed preparation plan before separating an employee. The Human Resources staff and supervisors should plan for all possible reactions and outcomes from the individual, other workers, and the community at large, so they are not caught off guard.

There will always be the potential for emotions to run high and actions to become physical in the heat of the moment. However, all parties should maintain a high level of awareness that a threat can also initiate at a later time. Learn how to prepare supervisors and staff to recognize behavior patterns that can become dangerous and introduce emergency response procedures to mitigate the danger.

Frequently Asked Questions




Start your protection training now

Fear on any crisis-related topic comes from “having a problem without a solution.” Let us reduce fear within your organization by providing the solutions to these potential crisis-related problems.

Build My Safety Plan

Training benefits
  • Reduce anxiety & fear
  • Increase response capability
  • Decrease liability exposure