Physical Security Consultant

Security Consulting & Facility Audits

Create the safest possible environment

Build My Safety Plan

What We Do

Strategos International acts as third-party physical security consultants to provide an objective, outsider perspective to clients across a variety of organizations. We’ve conducted numerous facility audits across the U.S. and internationally, giving us substantial experience and expertise. We apply this knowledge and adapt our approach to your specific environment to identify potential threats before they become a liability. Our team performs facility audits for all of the following:

Prevent Threats Before They Occur

The measures needed to ensure safety for organizations and schools are constantly evolving. To ensure the security of people, property, and assets, it’s important to regularly evaluate organizational procedures and take steps to mitigate potential internal and external threats. As experienced physical security consultants, Strategos International performs on-site facility audits that ensure the safest possible environment for clients. These audits help clients stay up-to-date on threat assessment, prevention methods and safety devices.

Service Highlights

For Facility Audits

  • Holistic review of existing building construction, access controls, and other functions
  • Accounts for culture, climate, and core mission of the organization
  • All hazards facility assessments or Workplace Violence/Active Shooter mitigation-specific assessments
  • Comprehensive, written reporting of all findings with recommendations included

Our Values

Why Work With Strategos?


Partnering with Strategos allows third-party professionals to utilize experiences from past assessments conducted in schools, churches, and businesses across the US and internationally.


Self-assessments can mean missing important details that leave your organization at risk. As an experienced third-party consultant, we can provide a review that’s both comprehensive and objective.


Strategos International starts every facility audit by identifying the goals and objectives of your organization. We take this step to ensure that our recommendations do not compromise the organization’s core mission or culture.

How It Works

Our protection professionals start each facility audit by identifying the goals and objectives of your organization. This helps us to tailor the assessment to your needs and better understand your organization’s core mission, culture, and climate.

The assessment itself will include a comprehensive review of existing building construction and access controls, in addition to multiple functions related to criminal deterrence and response. Additionally, our team will review all policies, procedures, and programs associated with your organization before making process and hardware recommendations.

Protection Starts Here

Through education and empowerment, Strategos International can help reduce fear within your organization and provide solutions to potential crisis-related problems. Get started today.

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Physical Security Assessments

Strategos International has proven to be a trusted physical security consultant for numerous organizations across the U.S. and internationally. Our consulting services provide organizations with expert advice on safety, security and leadership development solutions.

Physical Security Assessments

Has your school or district had a safety and security assessment, or is it time to do a re-assessment?

Safety and security planning, policy and procedure implementation, and staff training is never a completed process. A well-rounded safety program involves prevention, response, and recovery for incidents that involve natural hazards and active threats. To stay current on threat assessment, prevention methods, and safety devices requires regular and consistent evaluation to ensure students, staff, and stakeholders are in the safest environment possible.

A review of the below areas is conducted on-site. This review can be in conjunction with contracted architects for planning of new construction or it can be a review or incremental improvements to existing school facilities.

  •  Perimeter and interior access control
  • Mail, Packages and Delivery systems
  • Visitor Management
  • Traffic and barrier planning, parking controls
  •  CCTV surveillance
  • Intrusion detection (after hours or real-time notification)
  • Public address/intercom system review
  • Response capabilities (Security & Employees)
  • Safety related district policies and procedures

Strategos International has proven to be a trusted physical security consultant for numerous organizations across the U.S. and internationally. Our consulting services provide organizations with expert advice on safety, security and leadership development solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions




Start your protection training now

Fear on any crisis-related topic comes from “having a problem without a solution.” Let us reduce fear within your organization by providing the solutions to these potential crisis-related problems.

Build My Safety Plan

Training benefits
  • Reduce anxiety & fear
  • Increase response capability
  • Decrease liability exposure