Church Security Training

On-Site Training for Church Security

Serving faith-based organizations through our ministry mission

Build My Safety Plan

Ensuring Comfort & Refuge For All

The right to worship safely is one that extends to all people, regardless of the religion they follow. Guided by our own unwavering belief in Christian principles of love and protection, Strategos International provides on-site prevention and response-based church security training services. Through diligent work and collaboration, we help ensure that all individuals maintain the power to worship or gather without threats or interruption.


  • Violence & active shooter response training for faith-based organizations
  • Intruder awareness and response specific to church personnel
  • Church security planning for leadership

Ensuring Comfort & Refuge For All

The right to worship safely is one that extends to all people, regardless of the religion they follow. Guided by our own unwavering belief in Christian principles of love and protection, Strategos International provides on-site prevention and response-based church security training services. Through diligent work and collaboration, we help ensure that all individuals maintain the power to worship or gather without threats or interruption.

Service Highlights

For On-Site Church Security Training

Strategos International and its protection professionals travel directly to faith-based organizations throughout the United States and internationally—helping leadership design and execute flexible training strategies. Working with specific church or organizational leadership, we eliminate fear and anxiety through the following training services:

How It Works

All of our training courses focus on one or more of the 3 phases of preparedness—prevention, response, and post-incident. In the midst of uncertain times, the fear and anxiety of these events occurring are both real and understandable. Guided by our safety and security ministry mission, our professional training services instill in individuals the knowledge necessary to eliminate that fear. Most importantly, we empower people to feel confident in responding through decisive, situationally appropriate actions.

Protection Starts Here

Through education and empowerment, Strategos International can help reduce fear within your organization and provide solutions to potential crisis-related problems. Get started today.

Schedule a Call

Principle-Based Response Training

A common challenge specific to churches and ministries is operating within a variety of unique work schedules. This presents a problem when ensuring that volunteers and lay leaders receive crucial safety training designed to mitigate potential threats of violence. Strategos International provides a convenient alternative in the form of online church safety training. This approach allows for larger groups of people to receive proven, effective training necessary to respond decisively in times of crisis.

Virtual Church Security Training At Strategos

Strategos International performs online church security training that is trusted by top organizations both within the United States and internationally, this training provides education through active shooter response training and violence mitigation tactics.

Highly trained protection specialists from Strategos International work closely with church leadership and/or faith-based organization leaders—collaborating to design flexible training strategies. Each training can be customized to the immediate and long-term needs of the client.

All training courses are self-paced to give individuals the opportunity to complete course content within their busy schedules. The primary focus of our online church security training is to reduce fear by giving individuals the education and empowerment to take decisive action during crisis situations.

Firearms & Tactical Training

Strategos International provides tactical training and church security firearms training protection specialists within both individual churches and faith-based organizations. Offering over 20 years of experience providing global security and safety training services, our courses have been developed through decades of hands-on education, experience, and client feedback. Through customized training opportunities based on client needs, challenges, and principles, we present a wide range of high-threat environment solutions.

Our high-threat environment solutions are based in real-world scenarios and are applicable to security protection officials within churches and faith-based organizations. Strategos International provides a number of professional, on-site firearm and tactical training opportunities.

Strategos International will begin by meeting with leaders within your faith-based organization. Developed through decades of hands-on education, experience, and client feedback, we offer the capability to customize each service to the client’s unique requirements.

The primary objective for those engaging in tactical and church security firearm training is to present principle-based safety, security, and protection content—specifically in a manner that emphasizes preparedness through proper knowledge and ethics. Through this approach, we educate and empower individuals to respond decisively to potential threats.

Firearms & Tactical Training

Firearms & Tactical Training Course Applications for the Pistol – Level 1

This dynamic and life-changing course is intended as an introduction and foundation for the base skills necessary to act as a discreetly armed protector as part of a life safety team. We combine the fundamentals of marksmanship with basic tactical principles to teach you skills for how to fight and defend life with a handgun. Our discussions include the lawful and biblically proper use of force supported by Supreme Court case precedents. These skill competencies include deploying your pistol, firing, maintaining situational awareness, and managing your gear while:

  • Bilaterally using a stationary position of concealment/cover;
  • Moving forward and backward with your pistol ready in an “up” or high ready position;
  • Moving laterally and at oblique angles with your pistol ready or engaged;
  • Utilizing one or both hands from a variety of positions and fighting platforms.

Our building-block approach is appropriate for the novice who is already familiar with their pistol as well as the experienced individual who wants to take their skills and abilities to a new level. We focus on principles, tactics, and techniques to set you up for success in an armed encounter. As protectors, our mindset must be more than merely to survive, but rather to prevail and WIN in an armed attack.

Exercises and Drills Include:

  • Safety and the Fundamentals of Marksmanship
  • How to Discreetly Carry and Deploy a Firearm
  • Proper Draw Stroke and Proper Recovery to the Holster
  • The Lawful, Justifiable, and Biblically Proper Use of Force
  • The Winning Warrior’s Mindset and Stress Management
  • Loading, Unloading, and Reloading
  • Developing Natural and Repeatable Index Points
  • Communication and Working with a Partner
  • Verbal Challenges and Commands
  • Single and Multiple Threat Engagement
  • Immediate Action Drills and Clearing Malfunctions/Stoppages
  • Making Proper Decisions Under Duress
  • Interacting with Responding Law Enforcement

Audience Who Should Attend:

Responsible and conscientious adults who serve as part of an organization’s security ministry or life safety team. Any person who wants to build or improve their foundation for deploying a firearm as a life-saving tool in an emergency will benefit from this course.

IMPORTANT This is not a “handgun 101” course. Participants must already have a basic understanding of and ability to safely handle and manipulate their pistol in a controlled manner with a calm demeanor. TAP is a basic, skill-building course but it is not an introductory course for a person who has never fired a handgun or who is not familiar with how to safely handle a handgun. You need not be an accomplished marksman, but your behavior and actions must demonstrate that you have a keen awareness of the powerfully destructive potential of a firearm.

NOTE: At the beginning of class you will be asked to demonstrate how to perform the functions of your firearm and physical measures listed under the “Prerequisites and Physical Requirements for Firearms Training” section. If you cannot perform these tasks you will not be allowed to continue with the course.

Cost – $427 per person

5-Day Rifle Firearms & Tactical Training Instructor Course

Cost – $997 per person


Patrol, Tactical (SWAT), and Corrections Officers


A rifle in the hands of a trained operator dramatically increases that officer’s potential for threat mitigation. This course is tactical weapons training in its purest form and provides preparation for a variety of patrol deployments including active shooter engagements. This program is challenging and participants should be in good physical condition. Days will run longer than 8 hours and the curriculum includes evening events. Participants who complete this course come away with a skill set they absolutely appreciate and are able to apply immediately.

Fundamentals Review:

  • Failure Drills: Transition to Pistol
  • Turning Movements
  • Support Side Shooting
  • Contact and Cover
  • How to Adapt Your Shooting Platform
  • Defeating a Vehicle Assault
  • Officer Down Rescue
  • Tactical and Effective Communication
  • Moving Targets
  • Shooting On The Move
  • Multiple Threat Engagements
  • Movement and Mobility Exercises
  • Use of Cover
  • Threat Discrimination: Shoot/No Shoot
  • Dynamics of Low Light Engagements
  • Close Quarters Battle
  • Man-on-Man Drills

In addition to range drills and exercises, the Tactical Rifle Instructor course includes the following teaching and training (coaching) sessions and instructional support materials for the instructor:

  • Liability Issues
  • Case Law and Precedent
  • Instructional Techniques
  • Coaching Beyond Fundamentals
  • Preparing Incident Action/Safety Plans
  • Creating Lesson Plans
  • Managing Difficult Trainees
  • Classroom and Range Presentations
  • Designing Training for Your Agency
  • Running a Safe Range at Night


  • Duty or Tactical Gear
  • Ammunition according to course needs
  • Body Armor
  • Gas Mask with leg pouch/case
  • Minimum of 4 magazines (pistols and rifles)
  • Knee pads and gloves
  • Wraparound eye and ear protection (clear lenses for night events
  • Cap with brim
  • Hydration source
  • Clothing for all weather conditions
  • Duffel that will allow you to bring all of your gear to the line with you
  • Ammunition: 500 pistol | 2,500 rifle
  • Handheld Light: All participants must have at least one high-intensity handheld light
  • Weapon-Mounted Light: Highly recommended but are not a requirement Sling The operator must have a sling that permits a muzzle-down, front body carry.

NOTE: Instructor-level schools are longer than operator courses, and students participate in coaching and training delivery on the range. Make sure you have all equipment listed and backup firearms are recommended in case of failure or breakage. We cannot guarantee that a “loaner” firearm will be available.

Prerequisites and Physical Requirements:

An operator should be able to load, unload, and reload their firearm in a safe and controlled manner. Muzzle discipline and awareness is paramount.

An operator must possess the physical strength and stamina to repetitively function and fire their weapon during prolonged drilling. You must be able to get up and down from standing, kneeling, and prone positions, as well as move forward, backward, and laterally. An operator must be able to maintain mental, physical, and emotional self-discipline and not become over-excited or lose control.

An operator must have a keen awareness and consideration for other operators while handling fire-arms and conducting drills in close proximity of other operators. An operator should be familiar with their weapons and equipment and be able to field strip their fire-arm for cleaning, maintenance, and problem-solving.

Instructor candidates are expected to be excellent communicators and willing to adapt to the role of being a student-learner as well as an instructor. There is no place in the training arena for personal aggrandizement or ego.

Our Philosophy:

Our training staff is composed of professional and experienced coaches and we are students ourselves.

We believe in treating everyone respectfully and as adult learners. Our coaches participate in the learning process and we use a building block approach to solidify skills before moving toward more advanced concepts while under duress.

Through managing fear the capable operator will operate more confidently, more quickly, and make better decisions in the stressful environment of a true emergency.

We do not believe in “check the box” training or lowest common denominator training. Individual assistance is always available.

You should not enroll in our course if you are:

  • Not safe and conscientious with weapons
  • Not willing to be open-minded
  • Not willing to receive new information and try new concepts
  • Not capable of keeping your ego in check

Firearms & Tactical Training Course Applications for the Pistol – Level 2

TAP2 is a compliment to and continuation of our TAP1 program. In this constructively life-changing course, we continue to use a building block approach to briefly review the tactics and techniques introduced during TAP1 and then move ahead with additional skills that will support your prevailing in an armed engagement. From the foundation you built during TAP1 we will add:

  • Additional biomechanical skills that increase speed and reduce hesitation/drag.
  • Moving offline in all directions using a fighting platform with the pistol properly indexed.
  • Shooting on the Move – creating and closing distance.
  • One-handed operation and firing of the pistol.
  • Selecting cover, moving from one position of cover to another in a fighting platform.
  • Making precision shots in a crowded environment and at greater distances.
  • Accounting for and managing multiple operators engaged in armed conflict.
  • Clearing multiple stoppages in a compressed time frame and under stress.

Exercises and Drills Include: We blend dry technical work, live-fire range exercises, range briefings and discussions, and case studies in order to incorporate multiple channels and learning modes for each participant. Our mission remains the same in preparing the Christian warrior and our goals and objectives include:

  • Safety and the Fundamentals of Marksmanship
  • Considerations for Discreetly Carrying and Deploying a Firearm
  • Proper Draw Stroke and Proper Recovery to the Holster
  • The Lawful, Justifiable, and Biblically Proper Use of Force
  • The Winning Warrior’s Mindset and Stress Management
  • Loading, Unloading, and Reloading
  • Mastering Natural and Repeatable Index Points
  • Communication and Working with a Partner
  • Verbal Challenges and Commands
  • Single and Multiple Threat Engagement
  • Immediate Action Drills and Clearing Malfunctions/Stoppages
  • Making Tactically Correct Decisions Under Stress

Audience/Who Should Attend – Prerequisites: This course is for those who have successfully completed our Tactical Applications for the Pistol course (TAP1) or our 4-Day Pistol Camp. TAP1 or Pistol Camp is a prerequisite for TAP2. With due respect to other training programs that are offered by other companies, we do not recognize their programs as a substitute for ours. TAP2 is not a beginner’s course. Our target audience is the responsible and conscientious operator who serves as part of an organization’s armed security team or life safety ministry. You need not be a competitive marksman, but your behavior and actions must demonstrate that you have a keen awareness of the powerful and life-changing potential of a firearm.

NOTE: At the beginning of class you will be required to demonstrate how to perform the functions of your firearm and physical measures listed under the “Prerequisites and Physical Requirements for Firearms Training” section. If you cannot perform these tasks you will not be allowed to continue with the course and your fees will not be refunded. All participants should be prepared to undergo a nationwide background check as a requirement to participate in this training.

Firearms & Tactical Training Course – Pistol Camp

Audience/Who Should Attend – Prerequisites:

This is our flagship pistol training course targeting the operator who wants a full immersion experience in how to operate as a discretely armed protector. We designed this 4-day program and “training camp” as the base and standard for armed protectors.

We welcome novices and you need not be a competitive marksman, but your behavior and actions must demonstrate that you have a keen awareness of and respect for the powerful and life-changing potential of a firearm. NOTE: At the beginning of class, you will be required to demonstrate how to perform the functions of your firearm and physical measures listed under the “Prerequisites and Physical Requirements for Firearms Training” section. If you cannot perform these tasks you will not be allowed to continue with the course and your fees will not be refunded.

All participants should be prepared to undergo a nationwide background check as a requirement to participate in this training.

Note: Our Tactical Applications for the Pistol series (2-day classes), TAP1 and TAP2, are not Pistol Camp divided in half. TAP1 and TAP2 cover topics and drills that are included in our Pistol Camp, but they are not intended as a substitute for Pistol Camp. The curriculum is different.


Our graduates tell us that Pistol Camp is a constructively life-changing experience. This was our desire and intent from the beginning. We acknowledge Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, and we uphold a training environment based upon dignity and respect. To support your positive learning experience, we use a building block approach led by experienced and credentialed veterans with real-world experience. Our training format is approximately 20% classroom and 80% practical exercises and live-fire drills.

Exercises and Drills:

Pistol Camp offers the participant immediate feedback and learning opportunities though dry technical work, live fire range exercises, range briefings and extemporaneous discussions, and case studies in order to incorporate multiple channels and learning modes for each participant. All we ask that you bring is a positive attitude, an open mind, and a willingness to learn and try new things. Our goal in preparing the Christian warrior for duty includes the following instructional and performance objectives:

  • Statutory, Federal, and Constitutional law case precedents
  • Justifiable, lawful, and biblically proper use of force
  • Civil law and the 4th Amendment
  • Responsibilities of a lawfully and discretely armed Christian
  • Cultivating a “warrior’s mindset” and managing stress
  • Fundamentals of marksmanship and “natural point of aim”
  • How to work safely from a controlled concealed position: clothing and equipment
  • Draw stroke, producing from and returning to the holster safely and correctly
  • Tactical considerations before returning to the holster or standing down
  • How to develop strength and balance in your workspace
  • Performing bilateral transitions regardless of hand and eye dominance
  • Types and considerations for reloading, planned and unplanned
  • Communicating with teammates, suspects, and those under stress/duress
  • How to develop the “power of the pair”
  • Managing one and two-handed operation of the pistol
  • Horizontal and vertical displacement, moving under control with a firearm in hand
  • Clearing multiple types of stoppages in a compressed timeframe and under stress
  • The dynamics of confrontation during “the final exam”
  • Rest, ready, and support positions while maintaining a firearm in your hands
  • Cornering, funnels, and tactical geometry, how to fight on a corner
  • Static and fluid turning movements, how to “check six” and engage behind you
  • Making skillful decisions in an emergency
  • Moving offline in all directions using a fighting platform with the pistol properly indexed
  • Shooting on the move – creating and closing distance
  • Selecting cover, moving from one position of cover to another in a fighting platform
  • Making precision shots in a crowded environment at a variety of distances
  • Managing multiple threats in a public environment, accounting for your background
  • Accounting for and managing multiple operators while engaged in armed conflict
  • Foundational elements and considerations for establishing a team of protectors or a life-safety ministry

Regarding our Training Philosophy and Practices:

Our training staff is composed of professional and experienced coaches and we take pride in being students ourselves. We believe in treating everyone respectfully and as adult learners. Our coaches participate in the learning process and we use a building block approach to solidify skills before moving toward more advanced concepts. We believe that “capability breeds humility.” In other words, by achieving a higher level of skill you will be able to better maintain composure while under duress. Through managing fear the capable operator will operate more confidently, more quickly, and make better decisions in the stressful environment of a true emergency.
We do not believe in “check the box” training nor do we believe in “lowest common denominator” training. Individual assistance is one of our strengths. Those who are not safe and conscientious with their firearms, those who are not willing to be open-minded, receive new information and try new concepts, and those who are not capable of keeping their ego in check should not enroll in our trainings.

Prerequisites and Physical Requirements for Firearms Training:

  • You must understand the basics of how your firearm operates and be able to: Lock the pistol open using the slide stop with the magazine removed; Use the decocking lever to render the pistol safe (if so equipped); Engage and disengage all safety devices (as equipped) while maintaining a master grip; Release and recover an empty magazine using the magazine release; Field strip the pistol according to your owner’s manual for maintenance and cleaning.
  • You must be able to operate in a SAFE and CONTROLLED manner. Speed is not an issue. Muzzle discipline (where the gun is pointed) and awareness is paramount.
  • You must possess the physical strength and stamina to repetitively function and fire your pistol during training drills. You must be able to move forward, backward, and laterally under control while holding your firearm in front of you and pointed downrange. As a matter of general fitness and a gauge for this course, you should be able to be on your feet for 3-4 hours, get down on the ground and back up again unassisted, perform 10 squats, and climb two flights of stairs at walking speed without becoming short of breath.
  • You must have personal self-discipline and be able to always maintain mental, physical, and emotional control and not become over-excited or lose your composure. You must be open-minded and willing to accept coaching and instruction and follow commands.
  • You must have a keen awareness and consideration for other participants while handling firearms and conducting drills in proximity of one another.
  • You must speak and understand fluent English.

Your Pistol:

Participants will use a full size or compact pistol that fills the hand and allows all fingers to contact and wrap around the grip. Subcompact “pocket” pistols, (.22, .25, .32, and .380 calibers) are not allowed. You may use a revolver OR a semiautomatic pistol, but it must be of excellent quality and function without difficulty. If you train with a revolver, it must be a double action model. Ultra-small pistols that only allow a three-fingered grip, derringers, revolvers that require you to remove the cylinder pin to reload them, single action revolvers and any pistol that has a capacity of less than five rounds are prohibited.

Your Belt, Holster, and Gear:

NYLON, LEATHER, or FABRIC HOLSTERS THAT COLLAPSE WHEN THE PISTOL IS DRAWN ARE NOT ALLOWED IN OUR TRAINING. Holsters must be rigid and retain their shape. Inside-the-waistband and external belt holsters are both welcome as long as they are rigid and do not collapse or pancake when the pistol is drawn. You must use a secure and well-fitting holster that retains your firearm near your dominant hip. When holstered, the trigger guard of your pistol must be completely covered. “Secure” means that your pistol will never come out of the holster accidentally. Other types of holsters such as cross-draw, shoulder, ankle, belly-band, purse or fanny pack models are valid methods of carry but are not acceptable for this training.


Minimum 1,500 rounds factory ammunition for the handgun. Ammunition may be hard to obtain from some suppliers. Purchase quality ammunition well in advance!


Make sure you have the necessary equipment listed for training. Having a backup firearm, holster, magazines, and ammunition is recommended in case of mechanical failure or a stoppage we cannot correct. We cannot guarantee that a “loaner” will be available for you.

Required Gear and Equipment:

  • Pistol according to listed acceptable guidelines
  • Holster according to listed acceptable guidelines
  • 4 magazines or speed loaders for your pistol
  • Belt-mounted pouch to carry at least 2 spare magazines or speed loaders (you must be able to carry a minimum of 24 rounds of ammunition on your person for all exercises)
  • High intensity flashlight (tail cap switch preferred) and spare batteries
  • Hearing protection
  • Wraparound eye protection – prescription glasses are acceptable
  • Ball cap or cap with brim
  • Jacket, vest, or heavy shirt to conceal your pistol and work from a concealed position
  • Knee pads
  • Hydration source
  • Hand towel
  • Sack lunch (we will not dismiss for lunch, bring your own!)
  • Clothing and footwear suitable for all weather conditions
  • Range bag, duffel, or suitable container that allows you to bring all gear to the line with you
  • Cleaning equipment and materials in the correct caliber for your pistols

Cost – $657 per person

5-Day Firearms (3-Gun) & Tactical Training Instructor Course

Cost – $997 per person

This is a dynamic course is for all trainers regardless of their background or other schools they may have attended. This skill-intensive class addresses coaching and training skills for three weapon systems: the pistol, the rifle, and the shotgun.

Special attention is paid to prevailing in lowlight environments. Training will proceed for more than 8 hours on most days. This program is challenging and participants should be in good physical condition.

Certification is valid for three years.


  • Fundamentals Review and Diagnostics
  • Zeroing, Unloading, Reloading
  • Fighting Platforms
  • Failure Drills: Transition to Pistol
  • Turning Movements
  • Support Side Shooting
  • Contact and Cover
  • Working in a Gas Mask
  • Defeating Ambushes
  • Officer Down and Rescue
  • Active Shooter
  • Moving Targets
  • Shooting On The Move
  • Multiple Threat Engagements
  • Movement and Mobility Exercises
  • The Correct Use of Cover
  • Threat Discrimination: Shoot/No Shoot
  • Dynamics of Low Light Engagements
  • Principles of Light
  • Close Quarters Battle
  • Partner and Team Tactics

This tactical firearms instructor course also includes coaching and training sessions designed to assist you in making departmental presentations or training other officers in practical firearms skills.

Other topics include:

  • Liability Issues
  • Case Law and Precedent
  • Instructional Techniques
  • Coaching Beyond Fundamentals
  • Preparing Incident Action/Safety Plans
  • Creating Lesson Plans
  • Managing Difficult Trainees
  • Classroom and Range Presentations
  • Designing Training for Your Agency
  • Running a Safe Range at Night

Equipment Requirements:

Instructor-level schools have a longer duration than operator courses, and students participate in coaching and training delivery on the range.

Make sure you have all equipment listed and backup firearms are recommended in case of failure or breakage. We cannot guarantee that a loaner firearm will be available.


  • Note Taking Material
  • Rifle and shotgun must have a sling capable of cross-body, muzzle-down carry and a minimum of 4 magazines for rifle
  • Duty load bearing gear including pistol with minimum 4 magazines
  • Body armor (undershirt or tactical)
  • Gas mask with leg pouch or case
  • Ball cap or hat with brim
  • Knee and elbow pads
  • Wraparound eye protection (clear lenses for night events)
  • Hearing protection
  • Hydration source (backpack preferred)
  • Clothing suitable for all weather conditions
  • Duffel that will allow you to bring your gear to the line with you
  • Ammunition: 1500 Pistol | 1,000 Rifle | 250 Birdshot | 20 00 Buck | 20 Rifled Slugs
  • Handheld Light: All participants must have at least one high-intensity handheld light
  • Weapon-Mounted Light: Highly recommended but are not a requirement
  • Sling: The operator must have a sling that permits a muzzle-down, front body carry.

4-hr Firearms Handling & Tactical Training Course

Cost – $147 per person

This course focuses on behavioral-based responses for armed protectors, including decision making in and around crowds during an active threat. Students will practice techniques using demo firearms and holsters (provided).

It’s critical for armed protectors to be trained to move through crowded environments while properly handling firearms. Preparation is required in order to make proper, time-compressed decisions in worst-case scenarios.

This course includes drills for a variety of firearm carry positions and movements. You will learn how to apply these principles in different environments and contexts. This training is conducted at a church and will conclude with several scenarios where students will have an opportunities to practice simulations of a real event.


  • Safety Rules for the Real World
  • Firearms Handling In and Around Crowds
  • Movement, Platforms and Firearm Handling Principles
  • Rules of the Gun Fight
  • Dry Practice
  • What to do Next
  • Situational Awareness
  • Environmental- and Situational-Based Context and Application
  • Scenario-Based Exercises

Who Should Attend?

  • Armed Church Security Personnel
  • CCW and CHL License Holders
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • New Weapons Carriers
  • Non-CCW/CHL Holders
Church Security Training

Prevail!™ for Churches E-Learning Course

Church Security Planning & Active Shooter Preparedness

One of the objections by leadership to training staff and team members is that by doing so might create fear within the organization. What should be understood is that fear already exists on this topic as a result of media broadcasts and social media. Additionally, there is a fundamental misunderstanding of where fear comes from – FEAR comes from having a problem WITHOUT a solution. In other words providing practical and simple education on this problem actually REDUCES FEAR not increases it.

PREVAIL! can help your organization comply with OSHA’s General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) – requiring employers to provide their employees with a place of employment that “is free from recognizable hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious harm to employees.” PREVAIL! will raise your personal awareness when it comes to potential workplace violence threats and/or an active shooter event. A trained response will save lives…yours and those around you!

Here’s a breakdown:

PREVAIL! was designed in easy-to-use modules. Organizations using PREVAIL! have several implementation paths –

The 2 hr. PREVAIL!™ Active Shooter Preparedness for Employee course:

  • Typically, each training session starts with PREVAIL!™ the Movie. This 13 min. dramatic video sets the stage for the session by engaging participants quickly – emotionally – by watching an active shooter event unfold in their workplace. The purpose of this movie is to engage the viewer to relate to these types of incidents occurring and although they don’t realize it while watching it there are clips from the movie utilized later in the program to illustrate learning points like “normalcy bias”, “3 OUT Response Model”, etc.
  • Next, Preparing to PREVAIL!™ module is an introduction to the the session by discussing key learning points in an active shooter event as well as learning objectives for the program.
  • PREVAIL!: The OUT Actions™ goes into detail about the 3-OUT Intruder Response Approach.
  • The last module of the course then discusses the psychology and motivation of the of attacker in PREVAIL!: Understanding the Adversary™

The participant then has the opportunity to apply what they have learned in several computer based interactive scenarios where their responses are critiqued.

The participant then completes the course by completing an assessment to measure their understanding in applying what they have learned and all results are stored and the participant who successfully completes the assessment will then be issued a certificate.

3-4 hr. Personal Awareness & Safety for Believers

The stats say it all. Somewhere in America, a person is assaulted sexually or otherwise every 1 ½ minutes, according to the U.S.

Department of Justice. Have you found yourself in uncomfortable geographic areas or in environments where the surrounding
demographics made you feel uncomfortable? Perhaps you have been in a situation where you all of the sudden found yourself feeling scared or unsure simply because you were not in a state of awareness prior to finding yourself in a bad area or situation. OR worse yet found yourself in an area that you have always felt safe only to find out that you were not.

This course has been specifically developed for the Christian believer, and is supported with Biblical authority for protecting yourself and others against the realities that the Christian believer lives with each day. Living a life for God and spreading his message to those with “hurts, heartaches and hang-ups” often puts Christians in environments and situations in which the “Great Commission Target Market” lives, works and survives in. The additional challenges that Christians are faced with is that while we are spreading a message of HOPE and TRUTH we forget that sometimes THE TRUTH sometimes angers those who hear it, no matter if it is presented with “grace & love”. There has also been a false message in terms of security presented to Christians “being aware and preparing in advance” for our safety shows a lack of faith in God to protect. These realities necessitate the need of educating Christians on the ideas of awareness, preparation and the mindset of the “rights & duties of self defense”. Those that state this and believe this forget about the truth of “1 Peter 5:8 – Be sober, be vigilant; because] your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may Devour.”

This course will answer and assist today’s Christian with these questions and also assist in overcoming objections to personal
awareness and safety.

The following topics will be covered in this 4 hour block.

  • Biblical authority for awareness & safety/security
  • Overcoming objections for protection of self and others
  • Demographics & Stats of Violence Against Women (& others)
  • Why Fight Back? – Stats & Justifications
  • “Victim vs. Defender” Body Language
  • Dressing to Defend
  • Safety & Security While Approaching Vehicle
  • Safety & Security While Traveling in a Vehicle
  • Safety & Security at Home
  • Safety & Security While Traveling Abroad
  • Self Defense Principles – When it is time to FIGHT BACK

Cost – $97 per person

Weekend Firm Foundation Weekend Church Security Consult

Matthew 10:16 “Behold I send you out as sheep amongst wolves, therefore be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

Being “wise as serpents” instructs us to prepare. Being “harmless as doves” exhorts us to prepare in a way that maintains our integrity and commitment to our mission.

The Firm Foundation Weekend Consulting Package is intended for churches that are either starting a church security ministry or wish to formalize and professionalize their existing program. It combines personal consultation, goal setting, observation, training and reporting to provide you a solid foundation for creating a healthy security ministry.<./p>

Friday: Meeting & Assessment (3-4 hours on site)

Goals & Objectives Questionnaire and Interview with Church Leadership Personnel

This will allow your team to determine goals and objectives for your security ministry. Outlining the goals in advance gives you guiding principles and allows you to determine the financial, personnel and volunteer resources that will be needed.

Risk Assessment with Leadership Personnel

Your ministry cannot manage risk without accepting that all ministries have some level of risk. This onsite risk assessment allows the church to prioritize the most critical areas of risk and address them accordingly.

Physical Security Site Survey

An onsite physical security site survey will be conducted of your facilities. Our findings and recommendations will be included in a written and visual report.

Saturday: Training (8:00am – 3:30pm)

Intruder Awareness and Response for Church Personnel Course – Strategos provides up to 100 workbooks upon request. This course is the single most significant step your ministry can take to increase awareness and capability in responding to security and safety related events. We have strategically designed this training to educate:

  • Leadership
  • Pastors
  • Administrators
  • Security
  • Ushers and Greeters
  • Deacons and Elders
  • And all other staff/volunteers

The course educates them on the importance of awareness and response in the form of engaging lecture and practical exercises on topics including:

  • Statistics on church violence
  • The biblical and ethical justification forchurch security
  • History of violence at churches
  • Approaching armed individuals
  • Verbally de-escalating conflict
  • Lockdown procedures for threats inside andoutside the building
  • Lockdown Contingencies
  • Training your team

Sunday: Observe Worship Service

We will observe your morning service and make recommendations

Our review will include:

  • Offering collection, protection, and transport
  • Nursery check-in/check-out protocols
  • Pastoral/platform protection protocols
  • General vehicle and foot traffic flow, access, and management
  • Access control strategies and hardware

Follow-Up Activity: (7-14 business days afterward)

We compile our information and complete a final written report (approximately 50-70 pages in length) of findings and recommendations. We will provide the following documents in electronic form for your use in creating a written plan that best fits the culture of your church.

Churches provide an atmosphere of comfort, refuge, worship, and learning. Church security must be developed without compromising a church’s core mission. In fact, if implemented wisely, church security will complement and amplify the mission of the congregation by increasing awareness, preparedness, and capabilities to respond quickly and effectively to an emergency. Isaiah 28:16 “So, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic.”

Price: $9,997.00

1-Day Conflict Management & De-escalation Training

Our culture is awash in violence and churches don’t get an exemption. Attacks can be motivated by hostility to faith, but most of the time churches are caught in the crossfire of a domestic dispute, a relational conflict or mental illness. Regardless of the motivation, the risk is the same. Since Christian leaders are charged to care for their flocks, these realities cannot be ignored.

Are your church staff, ushers, greeters, lay leaders and security team prepared to effectively handle an encounter that includes anger, rage or assault? Unfortunately, most places of worship must answer “no.” But change is possible. It’s time to get S.A.F.E.

In this course, we focus on: Safety • Attitude • Focus • Empathy

The S.A.F.E. Approach helps churches effectively respond to threats in a manner that maintains dignity and respect for all. The chief goal is to de-escalate a hostile situation so that violence never occurs. However, no matter how skilled your approach, some physical attacks cannot be prevented. Because of this, the S.A.F.E. Approach provides instruction for staff and volunteers on how to respond to a physical attack.

Level 1 – Recommended for all church staff.

Two hours of classroom instruction covering topics including:

  • Interpersonal communication
  • Safety awareness
  • Recognizing and diffusing conflict and aggression

Level 2 – Recommended for staff who regularly interact with the public and people under duress.

Level 2 builds upon the skills learned in Level 1. Two additional hours of training focus on a series of physical skills designed to help you protect yourself when attacked. You’ll learn how to break free from choke holds, hostile grips, “bear hugs” and other types of assault.

Level 3 – Recommended for staff and volunteers who may be called upon to protect themselves or others if physical conflict occurs.

Level 3 builds upon the skills learned in Levels 1 and 2. Four additional hours of training focus on learning team skills that stabilize a person who is intent on hurting himself or others.

Cost – $187 per person

Movement and Response Principles for the Armed Protector

This course focuses on behavioral-based responses for armed protectors, including decision making in and around crowds during an active threat. Students will practice techniques using demo weapons and holsters (provided). The importance of training armed protectors to move through crowded environments and handle weapons properly cannot be overstated. Preparation is required in order to make proper, time-compressed decisions in worst-case scenarios.

This course includes drills for a variety of weapon carry positions and movements. You’ll learn how to apply these principles in different environments and contexts. This training is conducted at a church and will conclude with several scenarios where students will have an opportunity to practice simulations of a real event.

Topics Covered:

  • Safety Rules for the Real World
  • Weapons Handling In and Around Crowds
  • Movement, Platform and Weapons Handling Principles
  • Rules of the Gun Fight
  • Dry Practice
  • What to do Next
  • Situational Awareness
  • Environmental/Situational-Based Context and Application
  • Scenario-Based Exercises

Cost – $147 per person

2-Day Church Security Planning & Intruder Awareness/Response

Many churches have taken comfort in the thought that “it could never happen here.” But headlines and a steadily-growing body of statistical evidence demonstrate that violence in faith-based organizations is not an if, but a when.

The Church Security Planning and Intruder Awareness Response training will equip your staff and key volunteers to create a personalized security plan that protects your congregation while maintaining a welcoming environment.

Who should attend? Pastors, church staff, administrators and facility managers, children and student ministry directors, security team members, deacons.

Day 1: Church Security Planning for Leadership Personnel

At the end of the day, you’ll be thoroughly equipped to begin (or re-launch or improve) your church security ministry. Each participant will leave with a comprehensive, practical 75-page workbook so that you can bring the day’s learning home with you and put it into action.

We’ll address topics including:

  • Intruder response
  • Lockdown
  • Offering collection, protection, and transport
  • Overcoming objections to protecting the flock
  • Nursery security
  • Medical response
  • Volunteer & personnel selection
  • Armed vs. unarmed security
  • Insurance & liability considerations
  • Physical security assessments
  • Risk assessments
  • Protecting the pastor
  • The role of ushers and greeters

Day 2: Intruder Awareness/Response and Conflict Management

Equip and empower your frontline team (security volunteers, ushers, greeters) to spot and stop trouble before it starts.

This training helps team members identify suspicious behavior and act peacefully and proactively with the goal of de-escalating potential conflicts.

Key topics will include:

  • Creating a culture of awareness
  • Lockdown & lockdown failure response
  • Recognizing & responding to suspicious behavior
  • Approaching suspicious or armed individuals
  • Awareness & response layers in & around the church setting
  • Normalcy bias phenomenon
  • Verbal conflict management & de-escalation
  • Protestor & disgruntled response
  • The role of ushers, greeters and other frontline team members

Cost – $227 per person

1-Day Intruder Awareness/Response & Conflict Management for Church Personnel

Many churches have taken comfort in the thought that “it could never happen here.” But headlines and a steadily-growing body of statistical evidence demonstrate that violence in faith-based organizations is not an if, but a when.

Equip and empower your frontline team (security volunteers, ushers, greeters) to spot and stop trouble before it starts. This training helps team members identify suspicious behavior and act peacefully and proactively with the goal of de-escalating potential conflicts.

Key topics will include:

  • Creating a culture of awareness
  • Lockdown & lockdown failure respons
  • Recognizing & responding to suspicious behavior
  • Approaching suspicious or armed individuals
  • Awareness & response layers in & around the church setting
  • Normalcy bias phenomenon
  • Verbal conflict management & de-escalation
  • Protestor & disgruntled response
  • The role of ushers, greeters and other frontline team members

Cost – $157 per person

1-Day Compliance & Control for Church Protectors

As church leaders we are biblically, ethically and legally obligated to provide the safest worship environment for our visitors, members and staff. In doing so we do not want to compromise the environment of comfort, refuge and worship that we strive for. With that in mind, this course was designed to empower the “First Line” responders that serve on the church staff with the skills and application proficiency needed to de-escalate situations within the church walls that become physical in nature.

The desire of any church is to prevent a volatile situation from becoming physical, however when this is not possible it is very important that your staff be trained and equipped in a manner that allows them to de-escalate physical confrontations in a manner that is efficient, effective AND allows them the greatest opportunity to prevent injury to themselves or others. When possible if these physical confrontations can be defused in a manner that is “camera friendly” and this should be the objective.

Topics Covered:

  • Discussion on the foundation of compliance and control.
  • Discovering what “Breathing, relaxation, posture and movement” really are.
  • Will address the question “How strong do I have to be?”
  • The many uses of a “Simple” hand shake.
  • The use of “Soft” empty hand techniques for control
  • Applying restraint type of holds and providing controlled escort.
  • Defense against different weapons (Knifes, improvised tools…etc)
  • Working within the confined space of church or through a crowd.
  • Protecting one’s own equipment (Handgun, Tazers…etc.)

In order to better understand this course, you will need to think as a builder. When dealing with physical conflict you must first have a foundation of skills and principles on which to build on. This is completed through situational training that has been designed to test you as a protector.

This course is physical in nature and participants should realize this prior to signing up for a course. Having said that the principles taught do not rely on strength and stamina as much as they do breathing, relaxation and proper understanding/application of the physics of confrontations between single or multiple adversaries.

Who should attend?

  • Church security/safety staff
  • Church leadership personnel that could become involved in a physical confrontation

COST – $187 per person

Our Values

Why Work With Strategos?


Since 2002, Strategos International has provided services to over 300,000 corporate, government, school, faith-based, law enforcement, and military professionals in over 15 countries globally.


Our protection professionals have the ability to provide healthcare workplace violence training to hundreds of participants daily through dozens of highly qualified, trained, and personable instructors.


All of our services take steps to ensure that our recommendations and services do not compromise your individual or organizational core mission and culture.

Frequently Asked Questions






Start your protection training now

Fear on any crisis-related topic comes from “having a problem without a solution.” Let us reduce fear within your organization by providing the solutions to these potential crisis-related problems.

Build My Safety Plan

Training benefits
  • Reduce anxiety & fear
  • Increase response capability
  • Decrease liability exposure