
Workplace Violence Training

Conflict Resolution | Patient Care & Customer Contact Personnel


“Peace is not the absence of conflict, but rather the ability to resolve conflict without violence.”
C.T. Lawrence Butler

When it comes to workplace conflict, there are two approaches:

  • Fan the flame
  • Extinguish the flame

Many well-meaning people fuel a conflict when their goal is actually to defuse it. And in today’s volatile workplace environment, that can lead to a crisis. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, more than 2 million Americans experience workplace violence each year.

  • 2 hours of classroom instruction focused on communication, safety awareness, recognition and de-escalation of real world workplace violence situations.
  • Level III builds upon the skills learned in Levels I and II.
  • 4 additional hours of training focused team skills that stabilize and control a violent individual who is a danger to themselves or others.
  • Typical Level III students are safety and/or security officers.
  • 20:1 student to instructor ratio.
  • No one wants to add to those statistics.
  • Often, it comes down to a lack of training. And that’s the good news. Many conflicts can be minimized or avoided with education.

Our Conflict Management and De-Escalation course helps managers and employees:

  • Recognize the signs of a potential conflict
  • Treat all people with dignity and respect
  • Recognize signs of aggression
  • Reduce risk
  • Tactically position yourself for a safe interaction
  • Professionally conduct interviews in a neutral, objective manner
  • De-escalate aggression
  • Turn a negative interaction into a positive one

Strategos International has shared these principles with:

  • Airport personnel
  • U.S. government agencies
  • Health care staff
  • Workplaces in diverse industries

Let us know how we can help you remove unnecessary conflict from your workplace and free up energy for more productive tasks.