
Church Security Training

1-Day Conflict Management & De-escalation Training

Our culture is awash in violence and churches don’t get an exemption. Attacks can be motivated by hostility to faith, but most of the time churches are caught in the crossfire of a domestic dispute, a relational conflict or mental illness. Regardless of the motivation, the risk is the same. Since Christian leaders are charged to care for their flocks, these realities cannot be ignored.

Are your church staff, ushers, greeters, lay leaders and security team prepared to effectively handle an encounter that includes anger, rage or assault? Unfortunately, most places of worship must answer “no.” But change is possible. It’s time to get S.A.F.E.

In this course, we focus on: Safety • Attitude • Focus • Empathy

The S.A.F.E. Approach helps churches effectively respond to threats in a manner that maintains dignity and respect for all. The chief goal is to de-escalate a hostile situation so that violence never occurs. However, no matter how skilled your approach, some physical attacks cannot be prevented. Because of this, the S.A.F.E. Approach provides instruction for staff and volunteers on how to respond to a physical attack.

Level 1
Recommended for all church staff.

Two hours of classroom instruction covering topics including:

  • Interpersonal communication
  • Safety awareness
  • Recognizing and diffusing conflict and aggression

Level 2
Recommended for staff who regularly interact with the public and people under duress.

Level 2 builds upon the skills learned in Level 1. Two additional hours of training focus on a series of physical skills designed to help you protect yourself when attacked. You’ll learn how to break free from choke holds, hostile grips, “bear hugs” and other types of assault.

Level 3
Recommended for staff and volunteers who may be called upon to protect themselves or others if physical conflict occurs.

Level 3 builds upon the skills learned in Levels 1 and 2. Four additional hours of training focus on learning team skills that stabilize a person who is intent on hurting himself or others.